Saturday, 17 August 2013


Most of inexperienced person in computer or non-it person does not know about command line.In windows you can use DOS commands with CMD command line Interface.You can do all the things using command line that you are doing with in this post I am going to explain basic does commands that are helpful to everyone and helps in exploring your PC in innovative way.

Start cmd with CLTR+Run and type cmd.  


  • HELP command : Type help and you will see all the list of command available to you in cmd.
  • Clear : To clear console screen
  • Pwd : To print current directory
  • touch : To make files
  • Cd : To move around folders and files
  • Cd.. : To move out from directory or folder.
  • rmdir : To remove directory
  • mkdir : To make new directory
  • ls : To show folders and files in current directory.
This are most basic commands.But here are some command that you want to remember.......

Assoc :

Not sure what default program you have set up to handle ZIP, MP3 or HTML files? A quick and easy way to check for your default file associations is the “assoc” command.


Tree :

Sometimes it would be nice to have a diagram showing directories and sub-directories. Using the Tree command, you can do just that.

First, navigate to the directory you want to get the file structure of, and then type “tree > anyfile.txt“. The text file can be called anything you like.


Network Commands :

If you want to know your basic network setup, just do a quick “ipconfig” and you will get details like your computer IP and the default gateway (which is typically your home router IP address)


If you’re not sure you have a good network connection, try doing a “ping” to a known IP address or a website. You’ll see it echo back with an IP address if the link is good. If you want to see all network connections currently active from your PC, type “netstat“.


Windows Utility :

To view a list of active processes, just open up a command prompt and type “tasklist“.


There are other many more cmd commands are available so you can also google it.....Thanks for reading it .If have any doubts please post comments....... 

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